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An Emerald Guide to Explaining Diabetes

ISBN-13: 9781802361735

Author(s): Doreen Jarrett

Subjects: VF

Publisher: Straightforward Publishing

Publisher Imprint: Emerald Guides

Publication Date: 25-08-2022

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

An Emerald Guide to Explaining Diabetes

About the book

Diabetes, particularly Type 2 Diabetes, is perhaps one of the biggest health threats we face today. There are a number of factors, creating a 'perfect storm' which come together to create diabetes, not least the diet we eat and the lifestyles adopted generally in the 21st century. Explaining Diabetes is a comprehensive guide to diabetes, Updated to 2022, whether type 1 or type 2 and offers the reader guidelines which will help to either avoid the onset or, if already diagnosed, to manage the condition.