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Don't Leave Your Friends Behind

Concrete Ways to Support Families in Social Justice Movements and Communities

ISBN-13: 9781604867954

Author(s): Victoria Law

Subjects: VFV

Publisher: Pm Press

Publisher Imprint: Pm Press E Books

Publication Date: 08-11-2012

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

Don't Leave Your Friends Behind

About the book

There are few books on being a good community member and ally to parents, caregivers and children. Any group of parents will know how hard their struggles can be, but no book focuses on how childless allies can address issues of caretakers' and children's oppression in the community. Many well-intentioned activists do not interact with young people on a regular basis and do not know how, so Don't Leave Your Friends Behind provides a collection of concrete tips, suggestions and narratives to guide supporters in their work in the community.