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Jewish Noir 2

Tales of Crime and Other Dark Deeds

ISBN-13: 9781629633930

Author(s): Kenneth Wishnia

Subjects: FA, FBA

Publisher: Pm Press

Publisher Imprint: Pm Press E Books

Publication Date: 25-08-2022

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

Jewish Noir 2

About the book

Jewish Noir 2 is unique collection of twenty-three all-new stories (and one reprint) by Jewish and non-Jewish literary and genre writers, including numerous award-winning authors such as Gabriela Aleman, Doug Allyn, Rita Lakin, Rabbi Ilene Schneider, E.J. Wagner, and Kenneth Wishnia, with a foreword by MWA Grand Master Lawrence Block. The stories explore such issues as the perpetual challenge of confronting resurgent anti-Semitism in the US, the enduring legacy of regional warfare in the land of Israel since biblical times, how the 'entitled' behaviour of certain ultra-Orthodox communities can fuel anti-Semitic attitudes, Jewish support of the civil rights movement, greedy Jewish businessmen who reinforce negative ethnic stereotypes, the excesses of 'golden ghetto' American Jews, the appeal of 'tough' Israeli-Jewish soldiers and mercenaries, how real estate fortunes are made, and the consequences of political corruption that feed into an exploitive system, how obsession can lead 'good' people to do 'bad' things.