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The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame

Heroes and Icons

ISBN-13: 9781770902695

Author(s): Steven Johnson

Subjects: S, WS

Publisher: Ecw Press

Publisher Imprint: Ecw Press Digital

Publication Date: 11-01-2013

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame

About the book

Professional wrestling has always been about the forces of evil trying to undermine everything good. Every villainous heel needs a hero to battle against - someone the fans can root for and look up to. Heroes and Icons is an in-depth look at the protagonists of pro wrestling. The authors have left out nothing, examining the professional wrestling world from the 1930s until now. Not limiting themselves to household names, the authors dig deeper to tell the story of forgotten heroes and regional stars. Most of all, Heroes and Icons asks, What makes a great hero?''