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The Bleaks

A Memoir

ISBN-13: 9781770905740

Author(s): Paul Illidge

Subjects: BM, CT, DNC

Publisher: Ecw Press

Publisher Imprint: Ecw Press Digital

Publication Date: 01-10-2014

Format: Ebook

Availability: Temporary unavailable

The Bleaks

About the book

The Bleaks is the true story of a harrowing nightmare into which writer Paul Illidge's life is plunged one summer night, when a police drug-squad raids his suburban house, arrests him and his two teenage sons and whisks them off to jail for growing some marijuana plants in their basement. With circumstances at their bleakest, no choice but to admit defeat and face the consequences of his so-called crimes, he stumbles on an idea that he thinks could save him. The question is, will it be in time?