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The Cost of Lunch, Etc.

ISBN-13: 9781604869903

Author(s): Marge Piercy

Subjects: FA, FBA, FBC

Publisher: Pm Press

Publisher Imprint: Pm Press E Books

Publication Date: 21-08-2014

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

The Cost of Lunch, Etc.

About the book

Marge Piercy's debut collection of short stories is a glimpse into the lives of everyday women moving through and making sense of their daily internal and external worlds. Keeping to the engaging, accessible language of Piercy's novels, the collection spans decades of her writing along with a range of locations, ages and emotional states of her protagonists. Whether grappling with death, familial relationships, friendship, sex, illness, or religion, Piercy's writing is as passionate, lucid, insightful, and thoughtfully alive as ever.