In a world of instant gratification where the American Dream is quickly fading and the push toward entrepreneurship as a means of stability grows ever greater, let it be known that there is still a way to live abundantly on the 9 to 5 grind. Tailored for trailblazing Black women and women of colour, The Financial Abundance Blueprint blends personal anecdotes, actionable advice, and a touch of humour. From dispelling myths around building wealth to revealing corporate's unwritten rules, this transformative guide will teach you the basics of: Working systemically vs. smarter and harder; Creating your personal brand; Networking with mentors and colleagues; Maximizing corporate benefits; Starting a business or side hustle; And more! Whether you're a Gen-Zer taking the first steps into adulthood or a millennial working your way through life, The Financial Abundance Blueprint is the perfect roadmap on the journey to achieving financial freedom!