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The Future Is Queer

A Science Fiction Anthology

ISBN-13: 9781551522098

Author(s): Richard Labonte

Subjects: FA, FBA, FBC

Publisher: Arsenal Pulp Press

Publisher Imprint: Arsenal Pulp Press

Publication Date: 08-02-2007

Format: Paperback / softback

Availability: In stock

The Future Is Queer

About the book

One of the few queer science fiction anthology to be published in the last 10 years. The stories ask questions such as: Is true assimilation possible?', 'What are the implications of cloning, gender choice and gender reassignment?' and 'How will 'the right' react to further progress of GLBT concerns?' Includes an illustrated story by Neil Gaiman, futurist cult star, and a story by Rachel Pollack, a World Fantasy Award winner. Co-editor Labonte is best known as editor of the Best Gay Erotica series published by Cleis.'