You already have everything�you need to raise a healthy,�happy, intelligent child Parenting today is practically a competitive�sport, and marketers are all too happy to cash�in. Scare tactics and scientific-sounding jargon�make it seem like parents are in constant danger�of hard-wiring their children's brains for failure. In fact, this state of parental anxiety is totally�unnecessary-and possibly bad for our children.�Babies are born with an appetite to learn. Children�are naturally curious about the world and eager to�explore it. They don't need flashcards, educational�videos, or the latest iPad app to help speed their�development. Attempts to get children speaking�and reading before they're developmentally ready�may even harm them in the long run. In The Intuitive Parent, Vanderbilt University�child development specialist Dr. Stephen Camarata�debunks the claims many of these brain�development programs make. Using accessible,�down-to-earth language he explains how parents�can intuitively support their child's brain development�by simply paying attention. Babies and�children develop at their own pace; what's more,�they are hardwired to signal to caregivers when�they're ready for the next step. Restrictive tools�like flashcards may derail your child's ability to�learn holistically-and will definitely sap the joy�from one of the most important jobs in the world:�being a parent. The key is to recognize the ready to learn�cues your child is giving you and respond in a�way that comes naturally. Routine activities, such�as playing peekaboo, reading books to a toddler,�talking, singing, feeding, and otherwise meeting�the everyday needs of a child, are the true magic�that ultimately wires a child's brain and helps children�become an intelligent, confident, curious,�and talented adults. Grounded in the latest science by a nationally�recognized child development expert, The Intuitive�Parent arms parents and caregivers with the confidence�and knowledge they need to quit worrying�and enjoy the time they have with their child-no�fancy gadgets or pricey videos necessary. From the Hardcover edition.