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To Afghanistan And Back

ISBN-13: 9781561633258

Author(s): Ted Rall

Subjects: FNG, FX, XA

Publisher: Nbm

Publisher Imprint: Nbm

Publication Date: 01-07-2002

Format: Hardback

Availability: In stock

To Afghanistan And Back

About the book

When US bombs started raining on the Taliban, Rall was the only cartoonist to head straight to the war zone to get the real story for himself. But within days of arriving, armed men were hunting down journalists to murder and rob them. Waving cartoons didn't help. From the gruesome spectacle of a Taliban prisoner blowing himself up with a grenade, to the hilarious image of mujahideen lining up for shaves and watching porn with the Northern Alliance, Rall has a decidedly different take on this gritty war. Rall's articles and photos are included with this graphic travelogue.