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Wisdom Teeth

ISBN-13: 9781604865608

Author(s): Derrick Weston Brown

Subjects: CSC, DC

Publisher: Pm Press

Publisher Imprint: Pm Press E Books

Publication Date: 04-01-2011

Format: Ebook

Availability: In stock

Wisdom Teeth

About the book

Derrick Weston Brown's debut collection is a questioning work, a redefining of personal relationships, masculinity, race and history. It's a re-adjustment of bite, humour and perspective as Brown channels the language of hip-hop, Toni Morrison and Snagglepuss to pave the way for an eruption of wisdom. Told through a litany of forms and a myriad of voices - including some of the poet's own - Wisdom Teeth reveals the ongoing internal and external reconstruction of a poet's life and world.