Too Close to the Falls

by Catherine Gildiner
Too Close to the Falls
  • ISBN-13: 9781554904969
  • Author(s): Catherine Gildiner
  • Subject: Memoirs|literature: texts
  • Publisher: Ecw Press
  • Imprint: Ecw Press Digital
  • Publication Date: 01-10-1999
  • Format: Electronic book text

Availability: In stock


Heartbreaking and wicked: a memoir ofó stunning beauty and remarkable grace. Improbable friendships and brushes with death. A schoolgirl affecting the course of aboriginal politics. Elvis and cocktails and Catholicism and the secrets buried deep beneath a place that may be another, undiscovered Love Canal - Lewiston, New York. Too Close to the Falls is an exquisite, haunting return, through time and memory, to the heart of Catherine Gildiner's childhood. And what a childhood it was.
About the book

Heartbreaking and wicked: a memoir ofó stunning beauty and remarkable grace. Improbable friendships and brushes with death. A schoolgirl affecting the course of aboriginal politics. Elvis and cocktails and Catholicism and the secrets buried deep beneath a place that may be another, undiscovered Love Canal - Lewiston, New York. Too Close to the Falls is an exquisite, haunting return, through time and memory, to the heart of Catherine Gildiner's childhood. And what a childhood it was.

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