Adventures Of Momotaro, The Peach Boy

by Ralph McCarthy

Adventures Of Momotaro, The Peach Boy

  • ISBN-13: 9784770020987
  • Author(s): Ralph McCarthy
  • Subject: Traditional stories (Children's / Teenage)
  • Publisher: Kodansha Europe Head Office
  • Imprint: Kodansha USA
  • Publication Date: 01-07-2000
  • Format: h/b

Availability: Not available, publisher indicates OP

Perhaps the most beloved of all Japanese folktale is the story of Momotaro, the boy born from a peach. Momotaro's expedition to the Land of the Demons, accompanied by his faithful companions, is filled with fun and adventure. Perhaps the most beloved of all Japanese folk tales is the story of Momotaro, the boy born from a peach. Momotaro's expedition to the Land of the Demons, accompanied by his faithful companions, the Dog, the Monkey, and the Pheasant, is filled with fun and excitement for all young readers. One of five of the best-loved stories from Kodansha's Children's
About the book

Perhaps the most beloved of all Japanese folktale is the story of Momotaro, the boy born from a peach. Momotaro's expedition to the Land of the Demons, accompanied by his faithful companions, is filled with fun and adventure. Perhaps the most beloved of all Japanese folk tales is the story of Momotaro, the boy born from a peach. Momotaro's expedition to the Land of the Demons, accompanied by his faithful companions, the Dog, the Monkey, and the Pheasant, is filled with fun and excitement for all young readers. One of five of the best-loved stories from Kodansha's Children's