The Grey Sisters

by Jo Treggiari
The Grey Sisters
  • ISBN-13: 9780735263000
  • Author(s): Jo Treggiari
  • Subject: Children's / Teenage fiction & true stories
  • Publisher: Penguin Random House Group
  • Imprint: Penguin Teen
  • Publication Date: 03-09-2020
  • Format: p/b

Availability: In stock

D and Spider have always been best friends, and they are further united in their shared grief: they both lost siblings in a horrific plane crash two years earlier. A chance sighting of a beloved cuddly toy in a photograph of the only survivor raises D's hopes all over again that somehow her sister survived. She and Spider and their friend, Min, set off on a road trip to the mountainside site of that terrible crash.
About the book

D and Spider have always been best friends, and they are further united in their shared grief: they both lost siblings in a horrific plane crash two years earlier. A chance sighting of a beloved cuddly toy in a photograph of the only survivor raises D's hopes all over again that somehow her sister survived. She and Spider and their friend, Min, set off on a road trip to the mountainside site of that terrible crash.

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