Wild Berries

by Julie Flett
Wild Berries
  • ISBN-13: 9781897476895
  • Author(s): Julie Flett
  • Subject: Picture books|picture books
  • Publisher: Simply Read Books
  • Imprint: Simply Read Books
  • Publication Date: 30-01-2014
  • Format: h/b

Availability: Temporarily unavailable

Wild Berries is the beautiful tale of a young boy who spends a summer day picking wild blueberries with his grandmother. The Metis and Cree are indigenous peoples based across Canada and North America with a rich history and culture. Exploring the important tradition of berry-picking for Metis and Cree people, it also honours a unique, endangered language. Includes a recipe for a delicious blueberry pie.
About the book

Wild Berries is the beautiful tale of a young boy who spends a summer day picking wild blueberries with his grandmother. The Metis and Cree are indigenous peoples based across Canada and North America with a rich history and culture. Exploring the important tradition of berry-picking for Metis and Cree people, it also honours a unique, endangered language. Includes a recipe for a delicious blueberry pie.