Duty and Desire

by Kristina Wright
Duty and Desire
  • ISBN-13: 9781573448239
  • Author(s): Kristina Wright
  • Editor(s): Kristina Wright
  • Subject: Erotic fiction
  • Publisher: Simon And Schuster Group USA
  • Imprint: Cleis Press
  • Publication Date: 08-11-2012
  • Format: p/b

Availability: In stock

Nothing beats a man in uniform. As the oft-quoted top fantasy for women, it is surprising that no anthology on the market has yet compiled a collection of steamy tales about sexy army men. Finally, Duty and Desire serves up a team of hot-blooded men (and women) from every branch of the military. This one-of-a-kind anthology showcases the top romance writers today, such as Victoria Janssen, Delilah Devlin, Kate Pearce and Megan Hart.
About the book

Nothing beats a man in uniform. As the oft-quoted top fantasy for women, it is surprising that no anthology on the market has yet compiled a collection of steamy tales about sexy army men. Finally, Duty and Desire serves up a team of hot-blooded men (and women) from every branch of the military. This one-of-a-kind anthology showcases the top romance writers today, such as Victoria Janssen, Delilah Devlin, Kate Pearce and Megan Hart.

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