The Warrior's Boy

by Zack
The Warrior's Boy

Available Formats:

  • ISBN-13: 9783867876056
  • Format: p/b
  • Availability: No longer supplied by us
Tough, no-nonsence Eric Random, an English mercenary soldier on his way to Venice in 1527, encounters rough-and-tumble sex at every inn along the way. The randy roughneck never misses an opportunity for an erotic adventure: stable lads, tavern servers and page boys all fall to his remorseless assault, only to be tossed aside as Eric moves on. And then something unexpected happens... The graphic portrait of degenerate, brawling and licentious Renaissance Italy unfolds as a history that's never been taught in the classroom.
About the book

Tough, no-nonsence Eric Random, an English mercenary soldier on his way to Venice in 1527, encounters rough-and-tumble sex at every inn along the way. The randy roughneck never misses an opportunity for an erotic adventure: stable lads, tavern servers and page boys all fall to his remorseless assault, only to be tossed aside as Eric moves on. And then something unexpected happens... The graphic portrait of degenerate, brawling and licentious Renaissance Italy unfolds as a history that's never been taught in the classroom.