The Magnolia Palace

by Fiona Davis
The Magnolia Palace
  • ISBN-13: 9780593184011
  • Author(s): Fiona Davis
  • Subject: Historical fiction
  • Publisher: Penguin Random House Group
  • Imprint: Dutton
  • Publication Date: 27-01-2022
  • Format: h/b

Availability: In stock

Lillian was one of the most sought after artists' models in New York City. But since her mother's death, Lillian's work has dried up, and a looming scandal has left her entirely without a safe haven. So when she stumbles upon an employment opportunity at the Frick mansion, Lillian jumps at the chance. But the longer she works as a private secretary to Helen Frick, the more she gets pulled into a tangled web of romantic trysts, stolen jewels, and family drama. Nearly fifty years later, model Veronica Weber has her own chance to make her career within the walls of the former Frick residence, now a museum. But when she's dismissed from the Vogue shoot taking place at the Frick Collection, she chances upon a series of hidden messages that could reveal the truth behind a decades-old murder.
About the book

Lillian was one of the most sought after artists' models in New York City. But since her mother's death, Lillian's work has dried up, and a looming scandal has left her entirely without a safe haven. So when she stumbles upon an employment opportunity at the Frick mansion, Lillian jumps at the chance. But the longer she works as a private secretary to Helen Frick, the more she gets pulled into a tangled web of romantic trysts, stolen jewels, and family drama. Nearly fifty years later, model Veronica Weber has her own chance to make her career within the walls of the former Frick residence, now a museum. But when she's dismissed from the Vogue shoot taking place at the Frick Collection, she chances upon a series of hidden messages that could reveal the truth behind a decades-old murder.

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