Korean Literature

Korean Literature

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For the last several decades, many types of important discoveries, innovations, and debates in the field of Korean literature have appeared in our pages, along with the writings of representative literary critics and scholars, both in Korea and abroad. This volume, Korean Literature: Its Classical Heritage and Modern Breakthroughs, consists of 24 contributions that are still considered valuable in the field as academic articles or critical essays, all having appeared in the Korea Journal over the past 40 years
About the book

For the last several decades, many types of important discoveries, innovations, and debates in the field of Korean literature have appeared in our pages, along with the writings of representative literary critics and scholars, both in Korea and abroad. This volume, Korean Literature: Its Classical Heritage and Modern Breakthroughs, consists of 24 contributions that are still considered valuable in the field as academic articles or critical essays, all having appeared in the Korea Journal over the past 40 years