Love & Fuck Poems

Love & Fuck Poems

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A breathless story told through the poetry of culture, divorce, love and the maddening scurry to find the sexual self. There's no love here, just fucks. But is she fucking him or fucking herself? 'Love & Fuck Poems is raw, audacious and courageous. Bravo!' - Christos Tsiolkas, The Slap. 'An emotional self-examination with a handmirror.' - AU Review.
About the book

A breathless story told through the poetry of culture, divorce, love and the maddening scurry to find the sexual self. There's no love here, just fucks. But is she fucking him or fucking herself? 'Love & Fuck Poems is raw, audacious and courageous. Bravo!' - Christos Tsiolkas, The Slap. 'An emotional self-examination with a handmirror.' - AU Review.