The Blomidon Logs

by Deirdre Dwyer
The Blomidon Logs
  • ISBN-13: 9781770909458
  • Author(s): Deirdre Dwyer
  • Subject: Poetry by individual poets
  • Publisher: Ecw Press
  • Imprint: Ecw Press Digital
  • Publication Date: 11-10-2016
  • Format: Electronic book text

Availability: In stock


Set in the small farming community of Blomidon on Nova Scotia's Bay of Fundy, The Blomidon Logs starts with tales of Glooscap and a leaky old cabin. Complete with the wild imagination of youth and rumours of a drowned artist, the book moves up the road to a new A-frame cottage and back in time to the generations who preceded the author at Blomidon, providing a rich heritage of farmland, beach, and stories. Taking its title from the logbooks kept by Dwyer's parents, the collection is about childhood, family, and a time when summer meant freedom and outdoor play.
About the book

Set in the small farming community of Blomidon on Nova Scotia's Bay of Fundy, The Blomidon Logs starts with tales of Glooscap and a leaky old cabin. Complete with the wild imagination of youth and rumours of a drowned artist, the book moves up the road to a new A-frame cottage and back in time to the generations who preceded the author at Blomidon, providing a rich heritage of farmland, beach, and stories. Taking its title from the logbooks kept by Dwyer's parents, the collection is about childhood, family, and a time when summer meant freedom and outdoor play.

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