The Room of White Fire

by T. Jefferson Parker
The Room of White Fire
  • ISBN-13: 9780735212671
  • Author(s): T. Jefferson Parker
  • Subject: adventure / thriller
  • Publisher: Penguin Random House Group
  • Imprint: Putnam
  • Publication Date: 05-07-2018
  • Format: h/b

Availability: In stock

Roland Ford is good at finding people. But when he's asked to locate Air Force veteran Clay Hickman, he's been drawn into something deep and dark. He knows the weight of war, having served as a Marine; he also knows the nightmare of personal pain, as only two years have passed since his wife's sudden death. What he doesn't know is why a shroud of secrecy hangs over the disappearance of Hickman - and why he's getting a different story from everyone involved...
About the book

Roland Ford is good at finding people. But when he's asked to locate Air Force veteran Clay Hickman, he's been drawn into something deep and dark. He knows the weight of war, having served as a Marine; he also knows the nightmare of personal pain, as only two years have passed since his wife's sudden death. What he doesn't know is why a shroud of secrecy hangs over the disappearance of Hickman - and why he's getting a different story from everyone involved...

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