The River Sea

by Marshall De Bruhl

The River Sea

Availability: To order

Since its discovery by Europeans in 1500, explorers, visionaries, soldiers of fortune, men of God, scientists and slavers have been drawn to the legendary Amazon. The River Sea is a sweeping chronicle of those brave and hardy souls, ranging from the Spanish seafarer Vicente Pinzon, who discovered the river, to contemporary heroes and heroines like Sister Dorothy Stang and Chico Mendes - whose efforts to save the rainforest cost them their lives. The River Sea is a compelling account of five centuries of the history, the myths and the legends of Rio Amazonas.
About the book

Since its discovery by Europeans in 1500, explorers, visionaries, soldiers of fortune, men of God, scientists and slavers have been drawn to the legendary Amazon. The River Sea is a sweeping chronicle of those brave and hardy souls, ranging from the Spanish seafarer Vicente Pinzon, who discovered the river, to contemporary heroes and heroines like Sister Dorothy Stang and Chico Mendes - whose efforts to save the rainforest cost them their lives. The River Sea is a compelling account of five centuries of the history, the myths and the legends of Rio Amazonas.