Direct Action

by Ann Hansen
Direct Action
  • ISBN-13: 9781902593487
  • Author(s): Ann Hansen
  • Subject: Politics & government
  • Publisher: Ak Press
  • Imprint: Ak Press
  • Publication Date: 01-02-2002
  • Format: p/b

Availability: Temporarily unavailable

The author and other members of the anarchist group Direct Action were responsible for a campaign of dramatic actions in Canada in the early 1980s, culminating in the bombing of the guidance systems manufacturer Litton Systems. Now, after seven years in prison, Hansen tells her story for the first time in a fast paced narrative, recreating the political context and culture of the period.
About the book

The author and other members of the anarchist group Direct Action were responsible for a campaign of dramatic actions in Canada in the early 1980s, culminating in the bombing of the guidance systems manufacturer Litton Systems. Now, after seven years in prison, Hansen tells her story for the first time in a fast paced narrative, recreating the political context and culture of the period.