Islands Of Resistance

by Mario Murillo

Islands Of Resistance

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Open Media Series Events in 1999 called attention to the fact that Puerto Rico still remains a colony of the US: the clemency grants by Clinton to Puerto Rican activists in prison for pro-independence activities, and the death of a Puerto Rican security guard by missile fragments during US naval bombing tests bear witness to this fact. This groundbreaking primer explores the origins and significance of these developments in the context of more than 100 years of US domination.
About the book

Open Media Series Events in 1999 called attention to the fact that Puerto Rico still remains a colony of the US: the clemency grants by Clinton to Puerto Rican activists in prison for pro-independence activities, and the death of a Puerto Rican security guard by missile fragments during US naval bombing tests bear witness to this fact. This groundbreaking primer explores the origins and significance of these developments in the context of more than 100 years of US domination.