Lenin: Building the Party 1893-1914

by Tony Cliff
Lenin: Building the Party 1893-1914
  • ISBN-13: 9781905192670
  • Author(s): Tony Cliff
  • Subject: Politics & government
  • Publisher: Bookmarks
  • Imprint: Bookmarks
  • Publication Date: 01-08-2010
  • Format: p/b

Availability: In stock

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was one of the decisive and pivotal events of world history. A central role was played in that revolution by the Bolshevik Party. Cliff here charts the party's origins and, in particular, the work of its main architect, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. First published in 1975, his book has been both a rebuttal to those who see Lenin as an undemocratic despot and a guide for those seeking to build socialist organisations today.
About the book

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was one of the decisive and pivotal events of world history. A central role was played in that revolution by the Bolshevik Party. Cliff here charts the party's origins and, in particular, the work of its main architect, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. First published in 1975, his book has been both a rebuttal to those who see Lenin as an undemocratic despot and a guide for those seeking to build socialist organisations today.