Full Spectrum Resistance, Volume Two

by Aric McBay
Full Spectrum Resistance, Volume Two

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The more than fifty resistance movements and sub-movements featured here make this the radical's guide to restoring our rights, saving our planet, and creating lasting change. From mid-nineteenth century Chinese rebellions against colonial exploitation and ecological disasters to the Grassy Narrows' fight against mercury poisoning and colonialism to the Stonewall riots and parades for LGBTQ rights to Black Lives Matter, these two volumes are some of the only books on activism that actually cover resistance, not just passive, risk-averse modes of activism. In Volume 2 we learn how groups like the Greek Resisters of the 2008 Greek Television Takeover communicated and stayed connected so they could spread their message, coordinate with allies, and navigate their relationship with mass media.
About the book

The more than fifty resistance movements and sub-movements featured here make this the radical's guide to restoring our rights, saving our planet, and creating lasting change. From mid-nineteenth century Chinese rebellions against colonial exploitation and ecological disasters to the Grassy Narrows' fight against mercury poisoning and colonialism to the Stonewall riots and parades for LGBTQ rights to Black Lives Matter, these two volumes are some of the only books on activism that actually cover resistance, not just passive, risk-averse modes of activism. In Volume 2 we learn how groups like the Greek Resisters of the 2008 Greek Television Takeover communicated and stayed connected so they could spread their message, coordinate with allies, and navigate their relationship with mass media.

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