The Movements of Movements

by Jai Sen
The Movements of Movements
  • ISBN-13: 9781629633589
  • Author(s): Jai Sen
  • Editor(s): Jai Sen
  • Subject: Political activism
  • Publisher: Pm Press
  • Imprint: Pm Press E Books
  • Publication Date: 02-11-2017
  • Format: Electronic book text

Availability: In stock


Our world today is not only a world in crisis but also a world in profound movement, with increasingly large numbers of people joining or forming movements. What Makes Us Move?, the first of two volumes, provides a background and foundation for understanding the extraordinary range of uprisings around the world: Tahrir Square in Egypt, Occupy in North America, the indignados in Spain, Gezi Park in Turkey and many others. Edited by Jai Sen, who has long occupied a central position in an international network of intellectuals and activists.
About the book

Our world today is not only a world in crisis but also a world in profound movement, with increasingly large numbers of people joining or forming movements. What Makes Us Move?, the first of two volumes, provides a background and foundation for understanding the extraordinary range of uprisings around the world: Tahrir Square in Egypt, Occupy in North America, the indignados in Spain, Gezi Park in Turkey and many others. Edited by Jai Sen, who has long occupied a central position in an international network of intellectuals and activists.

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