X: Straight Edge and Radical Sobriety

by Gabriel Kuhn
X: Straight Edge and Radical Sobriety
  • ISBN-13: 9781629637167
  • Author(s): Gabriel Kuhn
  • Editor(s): Gabriel Kuhn
  • Subject: Political activism
  • Publisher: Pm Press
  • Imprint: Pm Press
  • Publication Date: 19-09-2019
  • Format: p/b

Availability: In stock

In the sprawling scope of this book, the notion of Straight Edge as a bastion of white, middle-class, cis males is openly confronted by dozens of contributors who span five continents. X takes a piercing look at religion, identity, feminism, aesthetics, harm reduction, and much more. It is both a call to action and an elaborate redefinition of straight edge and radical sobriety. Promising to inspire discussion, reflection, and unearth hidden chapters of hardcore punk history, X is of crucial importance to anybody interested in the politics of punk and social constructive thought.
About the book

In the sprawling scope of this book, the notion of Straight Edge as a bastion of white, middle-class, cis males is openly confronted by dozens of contributors who span five continents. X takes a piercing look at religion, identity, feminism, aesthetics, harm reduction, and much more. It is both a call to action and an elaborate redefinition of straight edge and radical sobriety. Promising to inspire discussion, reflection, and unearth hidden chapters of hardcore punk history, X is of crucial importance to anybody interested in the politics of punk and social constructive thought.

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