Terrorism And War

by Howard Zinn

Terrorism And War

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Howard Zinn is America's most articulate and progressive historian and critical analyst of war. Zinn has spent decades contrasting the rhetoric governments use to justify wars and the reality of their impact, especially on civilians who are increasingly the victims of military conflicts. These engaging new interviews, conducted since the tragic events of September 11 and the beginning of the bombing campaign in Afghanistan, provide Zinn's most up-to-date thinking on war, terrorism, the new global order, and the long tradition of resistance to US militarism since WWI.
About the book

Howard Zinn is America's most articulate and progressive historian and critical analyst of war. Zinn has spent decades contrasting the rhetoric governments use to justify wars and the reality of their impact, especially on civilians who are increasingly the victims of military conflicts. These engaging new interviews, conducted since the tragic events of September 11 and the beginning of the bombing campaign in Afghanistan, provide Zinn's most up-to-date thinking on war, terrorism, the new global order, and the long tradition of resistance to US militarism since WWI.

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