The Civil Disobedience Handbook

by Jennifer Joseph

The Civil Disobedience Handbook

  • ISBN-13: 9780916397760
  • Author(s): Jennifer Joseph
  • Editor(s): Jennifer Joseph
  • Subject: Politics & government
  • Publisher: Manic D Press
  • Imprint: Manic D Press
  • Publication Date: 01-05-2002
  • Format: p/b

Availability: In stock

enchanted In the wake of growing WTO and war protests around the world, social protest is fast becoming a viable and necessary form of political action. Now, from Henry David Thoreau's classic 1849 essay 'On the Duty of Civil Disobedience' (reprinted within in its entirety) to contemporary direct action tactics used by non-violent groups around the world, this handbook outlines a history of social protest and includes handy information and resources for people interested in continuing the tradition.
About the book

enchanted In the wake of growing WTO and war protests around the world, social protest is fast becoming a viable and necessary form of political action. Now, from Henry David Thoreau's classic 1849 essay 'On the Duty of Civil Disobedience' (reprinted within in its entirety) to contemporary direct action tactics used by non-violent groups around the world, this handbook outlines a history of social protest and includes handy information and resources for people interested in continuing the tradition.

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