The Other Israel

by Roane Carey

The Other Israel

  • ISBN-13: 9781565847897
  • Author(s): Roane Carey
  • Editor(s): Roane Carey, Jonathan Shainin
  • Subject: Politics & government
  • Publisher: The New Press
  • Imprint: The New Press
  • Publication Date: 12-07-2002
  • Format: h/b

Availability: No longer supplied by us

These essays are an urgent and passionate intervention by Israeli citizens challenging the continued occupation of Palestinian territory and the failed policies of Ariel Sharon's government. Against a backdrop of increasing violence on both sides, the book presents a broad range of dissenting voices that articulate practical, legal and moral objections to the occupation.
About the book

These essays are an urgent and passionate intervention by Israeli citizens challenging the continued occupation of Palestinian territory and the failed policies of Ariel Sharon's government. Against a backdrop of increasing violence on both sides, the book presents a broad range of dissenting voices that articulate practical, legal and moral objections to the occupation.