
by Helen Andrews
  • ISBN-13: 9780593086759
  • Author(s): Helen Andrews
  • Subject: Social services & welfare, criminology
  • Publisher: Penguin Random House Group
  • Imprint: Sentinel
  • Publication Date: 14-01-2021
  • Format: h/b

Availability: In stock

With their overthrow of tradition and authority, the Baby Boomers claim to have been humanity's greatest liberators, but their children would happily trade that so-called liberation for a little less debt, the chance to own a home before fifty, and a shot at extracting some commitment from the bosses and romantic partners who view their relationships as temporary. In this book, millennial journalist Helen Andrews calls the Boomers to account. With wit and conviction, she presents profiles of luminaries who promised much but failed to deliver.
About the book

With their overthrow of tradition and authority, the Baby Boomers claim to have been humanity's greatest liberators, but their children would happily trade that so-called liberation for a little less debt, the chance to own a home before fifty, and a shot at extracting some commitment from the bosses and romantic partners who view their relationships as temporary. In this book, millennial journalist Helen Andrews calls the Boomers to account. With wit and conviction, she presents profiles of luminaries who promised much but failed to deliver.