Mother Me

by Zara H. Phillips
Mother Me
  • ISBN-13: 9781905664368
  • Author(s): Zara H. Phillips
  • Subject: Child care & upbringing|child care & upbringing: advice
  • Publisher: Corambaaf
  • Imprint: Corambaaf
  • Publication Date: 06-03-2008
  • Format: p/b

Availability: In stock

Reunion and recovery are central to Zara's journey to motherhood. Mother Me provides a detailed account of her search for and ultimate reunion with her birth mother, and yet Zara still feels like an outsider, detached from her newly found birth family and with the void in her life seemingly bigger than ever. A subsequent move to California, love, marriage and the birth of her own children help Zara reach an understanding of her past and a final sense of compassion for both her adoptive and birth families.
About the book

Reunion and recovery are central to Zara's journey to motherhood. Mother Me provides a detailed account of her search for and ultimate reunion with her birth mother, and yet Zara still feels like an outsider, detached from her newly found birth family and with the void in her life seemingly bigger than ever. A subsequent move to California, love, marriage and the birth of her own children help Zara reach an understanding of her past and a final sense of compassion for both her adoptive and birth families.