The Mislabeled Child

by Brock Eide

The Mislabeled Child

  • ISBN-13: 9781401308995
  • Author(s): Brock Eide
  • Subject: Child care & upbringing|child care & upbringing: advice
  • Publisher: Hachette Book Group USA
  • Imprint: Hyperion
  • Publication Date: 06-09-2007
  • Format: p/b

Availability: Not available, publisher no longer sells product in this market

Parents and doctors often treat learning disabilities based on behaviour rather than what is actually happening in the brain to cause that behaviour. A diagnosis of ADHD can stem from any number of things - and medication won't cure the fact that the child may have a sensory impairment or a brain that's not wired to retain information after 10 minutes without some kind of stimulating break. With comprehensive chapters on every kind of learning disability the Eides offer a genuinely informed alternative understanding for millions of parents and teachers the world over. Now in pb.
About the book

Parents and doctors often treat learning disabilities based on behaviour rather than what is actually happening in the brain to cause that behaviour. A diagnosis of ADHD can stem from any number of things - and medication won't cure the fact that the child may have a sensory impairment or a brain that's not wired to retain information after 10 minutes without some kind of stimulating break. With comprehensive chapters on every kind of learning disability the Eides offer a genuinely informed alternative understanding for millions of parents and teachers the world over. Now in pb.