Ultimate Nutrition Guide For Cancer Sufferers, Their Family And Friends

by Zoe Hellman
Ultimate Nutrition Guide For Cancer Sufferers, Their Family And Friends

Available Formats:

  • ISBN-13: 9781847160843
  • Format: p/b
  • Availability: Not available, publisher indicates OP

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  • ISBN-13: 9781847165329
  • Format: Electronic book text
  • Availability: In stock
A comprehensive and practical guide to equip cancer sufferers, their family and their friends with a solid and sound foundation of nutritional advice and support. Based on the latest research and practice, the book shows readers the importance of nutrition and how to apply important principles to their diet.
About the book

A comprehensive and practical guide to equip cancer sufferers, their family and their friends with a solid and sound foundation of nutritional advice and support. Based on the latest research and practice, the book shows readers the importance of nutrition and how to apply important principles to their diet.

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