Dreamwork Journal

by Tree Carr

Dreamwork Journal

  • ISBN-13: 9781916563032
  • Author(s): Tree Carr
  • Subject: Lifestyle & personal style guides
  • Publisher: Inner Work Project
  • Imprint: Inner Work Project
  • Publication Date: 25-09-2024
  • Format: p/b

Availability: Not yet available

In this innovative and visionary workbook & journal, renowned dream expert Tree Carr offers the the keys to unlock the hidden meanings of dreams. An essential introduction to understanding and interpreting dreams is included alongside a month of journal pages, so that the reader can develop their own dreamwork practice. Discover: Week 1: How to increase dream recall. Week 2: Interpreting the details in your dreams. Week 3: Connecting with your dreams as guides. Week 4: Dreams for emotional healing, problem solving and manifesting.
About the book

In this innovative and visionary workbook & journal, renowned dream expert Tree Carr offers the the keys to unlock the hidden meanings of dreams. An essential introduction to understanding and interpreting dreams is included alongside a month of journal pages, so that the reader can develop their own dreamwork practice. Discover: Week 1: How to increase dream recall. Week 2: Interpreting the details in your dreams. Week 3: Connecting with your dreams as guides. Week 4: Dreams for emotional healing, problem solving and manifesting.