Awakening in the Dream

by David Wilcock
Awakening in the Dream
  • ISBN-13: 9781524742041
  • Author(s): David Wilcock
  • Subject: Mind, Body, Spirit
  • Publisher: Penguin Random House Group
  • Imprint: Dutton
  • Publication Date: 12-08-2021
  • Format: p/b

Availability: In stock

What happens when a UFO researcher suddenly comes into telepathic contact with the very beings he has been so avidly studying? What happens when tapes of these 'readings' begin predicting the future with astonishing precision - and speaking about an incredible upcoming event in which all life in our solar system will undergo a spontaneous transfiguration? David Wilcock is a master at weaving together cutting-edge alternative science, shocking insider information, and his own personal experiences to reveal stunning truths about humanity, extraterrestrials, and the universe we share.
About the book

What happens when a UFO researcher suddenly comes into telepathic contact with the very beings he has been so avidly studying? What happens when tapes of these 'readings' begin predicting the future with astonishing precision - and speaking about an incredible upcoming event in which all life in our solar system will undergo a spontaneous transfiguration? David Wilcock is a master at weaving together cutting-edge alternative science, shocking insider information, and his own personal experiences to reveal stunning truths about humanity, extraterrestrials, and the universe we share.

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