The Journey of the Heroic Parent

by Brad M. Reedy
The Journey of the Heroic Parent

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Raising a child struggling with mental health issues, addiction, depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders or even just teen angst can be frightening and confusing. When all you've done is not enough, when your child seems lost and you feel inept and impotent, Dr Reedy can help you take the necessary steps to find your child, not with cursory cures or snappy solutions, but rather by effecting positive change in your own behaviour.
About the book

Raising a child struggling with mental health issues, addiction, depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders or even just teen angst can be frightening and confusing. When all you've done is not enough, when your child seems lost and you feel inept and impotent, Dr Reedy can help you take the necessary steps to find your child, not with cursory cures or snappy solutions, but rather by effecting positive change in your own behaviour.