Do It Yourself!

by Stephan Niederwieser
Do It Yourself!

Available Formats:

  • ISBN-13: 9783867872584
  • Format: p/b
  • Availability: No longer supplied by us
Stephan Niderwieser takes it back to the basics, back to the art of masturbation. He puts the focus on the individual's own fantasies and instincts. Even though masturbation is the type of sex practised most often, it is the least discussed. Niederwieser offers clear and humourous instructions on the best way to enjoy oneself.
About the book

Stephan Niderwieser takes it back to the basics, back to the art of masturbation. He puts the focus on the individual's own fantasies and instincts. Even though masturbation is the type of sex practised most often, it is the least discussed. Niederwieser offers clear and humourous instructions on the best way to enjoy oneself.