101 Places in Italy

by Francis Russell
101 Places in Italy

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This wonderfully well informed selection of the most rewarding towns, cities and individual monuments in Italy is the definitive guidebook for the discerning traveller. The author has been visiting Italy for over 50 years, and is the perfect companion for those wanting to explore more than the obvious attractions. In a book that will astonish experts and first-time visitors, the author explores palaces, lonely churches, great museums and tiny ruins that together provide a richly textured portrait of a country where the history lies more thickly than anywhere else.
About the book

This wonderfully well informed selection of the most rewarding towns, cities and individual monuments in Italy is the definitive guidebook for the discerning traveller. The author has been visiting Italy for over 50 years, and is the perfect companion for those wanting to explore more than the obvious attractions. In a book that will astonish experts and first-time visitors, the author explores palaces, lonely churches, great museums and tiny ruins that together provide a richly textured portrait of a country where the history lies more thickly than anywhere else.

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