China Luxe Travel Set - 8th Edition

by Luxe City Guides
China Luxe Travel Set - 8th Edition
  • ISBN-13: 9789888132522
  • Author(s): Luxe City Guides
  • Subject: Travel & holiday guides|travel & holiday guides
  • Publisher: Luxe Limited
  • Imprint: Luxe Limited
  • Publication Date: 06-02-2014
  • Format: p/b

Availability: Replaced by new product

Along with all the finest and funkiest places to dine, drink and dance, Luxe incorporates invaluable, bespoke shopping and activity itineraries for you to mix and match, secret shops and services you'd simply never find as a visitor as well as the latest beautiful spas, salons and aestheticians. And what's more, Luxe comes with online city updates - simply visit our website and log-in. This China Travel Set contains three guides for the most popular Chinese cities, all for a 10% discount on each title, in a handy box.
About the book

Along with all the finest and funkiest places to dine, drink and dance, Luxe incorporates invaluable, bespoke shopping and activity itineraries for you to mix and match, secret shops and services you'd simply never find as a visitor as well as the latest beautiful spas, salons and aestheticians. And what's more, Luxe comes with online city updates - simply visit our website and log-in. This China Travel Set contains three guides for the most popular Chinese cities, all for a 10% discount on each title, in a handy box.

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