Dubai Luxe City Guide

by Luxe City Guides
Dubai Luxe City Guide
  • ISBN-13: 9789888132454
  • Author(s): Luxe City Guides
  • Subject: Travel & holiday guides|travel & holiday guides
  • Publisher: Luxe Limited
  • Imprint: Luxe Limited
  • Publication Date: 17-07-2014
  • Format: p/b

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Dubai - that ritzy, glitzy, glittering manmade oasis wedged between the desert and the deep blue sea is proof that if you build it, they will come. With its oil reserves set to exhaust in only 20 years, Dubai is repositioning itself at an astounding rate as the world's default R&R destination. The opulence and pure chutzpah of this city that features indoor skiing and underwater hotels are undeniable. Go on Aladdin, rub your magic lamp.
About the book

Dubai - that ritzy, glitzy, glittering manmade oasis wedged between the desert and the deep blue sea is proof that if you build it, they will come. With its oil reserves set to exhaust in only 20 years, Dubai is repositioning itself at an astounding rate as the world's default R&R destination. The opulence and pure chutzpah of this city that features indoor skiing and underwater hotels are undeniable. Go on Aladdin, rub your magic lamp.

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