Summers In Supino

by Maria Coletta McLean
Summers In Supino
  • Author(s): Maria Coletta McLean
  • Subject: Travel writing
  • Publisher: Ecw Press
  • Imprint: Ecw Press
  • Publication Date: 09-05-2013

Available Formats:

  • ISBN-13: 9781770411371
  • Format: p/b
  • Availability: Out of stock

Out of stock

  • ISBN-13: 9781770903647
  • Format: Electronic book text
  • Availability: In stock
Every summer Maria and Bob went to their little house in the Italian village of Supino and every year, it was a new adventure. Only in Supino would you find a pizzeria in a sheep pasture, a restaurant in the woods specialising in fish or an electrical cord draped from one balcony to the next so neighbours could share power. Written with humour, Summers in Supino is Maria Coletta McLean's memoir of these summers, as she becomes accustomed to the town her father grew up in and the peculiarities of the people who live there.
About the book

Every summer Maria and Bob went to their little house in the Italian village of Supino and every year, it was a new adventure. Only in Supino would you find a pizzeria in a sheep pasture, a restaurant in the woods specialising in fish or an electrical cord draped from one balcony to the next so neighbours could share power. Written with humour, Summers in Supino is Maria Coletta McLean's memoir of these summers, as she becomes accustomed to the town her father grew up in and the peculiarities of the people who live there.

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