Leading with Administrator Clarity

by Marine Freibrun
Leading with Administrator Clarity

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Practicing administrative clarity, or the idea that transparent expectations lead to fairness and achievement, has never been more accessible. As a leader of educational K 12 institutions, your position as a decision-maker and positive role model can always improve, and this book helps streamline the process. Inside you ll find: Ways to set goals for yourself and others; How to mark progress and positively reinforce administration delegates; Examples of forthrightness and success in school systems; And much more! Let Leading with Administrator Clarity guide you to learn and grow as an effective administrator and as a key part of shaping student lives for the better.
About the book

Practicing administrative clarity, or the idea that transparent expectations lead to fairness and achievement, has never been more accessible. As a leader of educational K 12 institutions, your position as a decision-maker and positive role model can always improve, and this book helps streamline the process. Inside you ll find: Ways to set goals for yourself and others; How to mark progress and positively reinforce administration delegates; Examples of forthrightness and success in school systems; And much more! Let Leading with Administrator Clarity guide you to learn and grow as an effective administrator and as a key part of shaping student lives for the better.

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