London Flipped

by Urban Good

London Flipped

  • ISBN-13: 9781914432170
  • Author(s): Urban Good
  • Subject: World atlases / world maps
  • Publisher: Urban Good
  • Imprint: Urban Good
  • Publication Date: 09-07-2024
  • Format: Sheet map, folded

Availability: Not yet available

With beautiful colours - using Pantone fluorescent and metallic inks - this map challenges even the most familiar with the capital's cartography. It is a true, topographical map covering the whole of London and its surrounds, but rotated 180 degrees and drawn at a scale of one inch to the mile. With south at the top and north at the bottom, this map is sure to please the topsy-turvy, but really it helps people to reimagine the capital without the natural bias of North. Printed in the same format as Ordnance Survey Explorer maps, over a meter wide, this paper map will look great on a wall or in the readers hands. Every station is marked and labelled along with hundreds of the key parks, woods and open spaces across the city. The waterways, lakes and ponds are drawn in gold. A great gift for anyone London-curious.
About the book

With beautiful colours - using Pantone fluorescent and metallic inks - this map challenges even the most familiar with the capital's cartography. It is a true, topographical map covering the whole of London and its surrounds, but rotated 180 degrees and drawn at a scale of one inch to the mile. With south at the top and north at the bottom, this map is sure to please the topsy-turvy, but really it helps people to reimagine the capital without the natural bias of North. Printed in the same format as Ordnance Survey Explorer maps, over a meter wide, this paper map will look great on a wall or in the readers hands. Every station is marked and labelled along with hundreds of the key parks, woods and open spaces across the city. The waterways, lakes and ponds are drawn in gold. A great gift for anyone London-curious.

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