Europa Editions

Europa Editions
At Europa Editions we publish works of literary fiction, high-end mystery and noir, and narrative non-fiction from around the world. Our aim is to provide quality English editions of international literature, works to entertain, impassion, and inform. Europa Editions was founded in 2005 by Sandro Ferri and Sandra Ozzola Ferri, who are also the owner-publishers of Rome-based Edizioni E/O, one of Europe’s most prestigious independent publishing houses. Our idea was to capitalize on Edizioni E/O’s decades-long experience to bring fresh voices to the Anglo-Saxon market and provide quality English editions of international literature by enlisting some of the best translators in the business. Our appearance would be distinct, reflecting our conviction that books today must be pleasing to the senses as well as to the mind. Our catalogue is eclectic, for we believe that dialogue between nations and cultures is of vital importance and that this exchange is facilitated by literature chosen not only for its ability to entertain and fascinate, but also to inform and enlighten. The new UK office was opened in late 2011, with Daniela Petracco managing publicity, marketing and sales. In January 2012 Europa Editions launched the first titles in the United Kingdom, Treasure Island!!! By Sara Levine and A Novel Bookstore by Laurence Cossé.

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